Ice Cream Cone without Ice Cream, 2022, 15x5x5cm

Ice cream cone, rabbit keychain, spun cat fur, latex

Rope Cone (kræmmerhus), 2022, 15x5x5cm 

Rope, metal, red salt, wool

Horn of Plenty Breadcrumbs, 2022, 50x10x10cm

Rope, breadcrumbs, plastic, fabric

Cake Person (cut the throat, scream, and eat), 2022, 20x13x2cm

Salt dough, beeswax, birthday candle, “the last straw” doll of hemp yarn (“det sidste neg”), bulletin board pin, rubber band

Keychain for Lucia/Lucifer and cat, 2022, 40x10x4cm

Salt dough, cranberry, metal, horseshoe keychain, plastic bottle, blood, knife

Waffle Archive, 2022, 35x25cm

Waffle, bulletin board pins, plastic clippings, paper mill wheel, temporary tattoo

Bleeding Mill Wheel, 2022, 10x10x4cm

Salt dough, paraffin

€ Spandauer, 2022, 10x15x3cm

Salt dough, beeswax, imprinted euro coin

Photo: Ivan Zupanc

BLEED! BREED! BREAD!, Center424, Belgrade, Serbia

Supported by Statens Kunstfond (Danish Arts Foundation), Center424 and Belgrade AIR

Special thanks to BYZART

BLEED! BREED! BREAD! is a solo exhibition by Sabine Wedege. The title manifest itself as a yelling alliterative verse – three words which each carries its own references, associations, and widely different meanings. But get merged into common denominators such as culinary culture, origin, selection, survival, rituals, and economy.